Friday, November 11, 2011

The Uglified Ducky

We read the story the Uglified Ducky today in class. This week we have been learning about Story Elements.

Characters: The Uglified Ducky, The Ducky Family, Mr. Quack and the other Moose in the forrest

Setting: In the forest, near the pond

Plot: A moose fell a sleep near a ducks nest and a mother duck raised him as her own ducky. The uglified ducky could not do duck things and he felt sad.

Theme: The message of this story is that we must remember that everyone is beautiful even if they are different.

Rising action: He couldn't, waddle, he couldn't fly, he couldn't swim and he couldn't quack...

Climax: The uglified Ducky's Family left him and he ran into the Forrest.

Falling action: He went deeper into the forest and found animals that looked like him.

Resolution: He learned that he was not a ducky and that he was a moose!

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